Hello, I'm Robert.

I’m a 23-year veteran of the United States Armed Forces, currently located in Reichenbach-Steegen, Germany. Photography has been a passion of mine dating back to my high school years. When I was a kid growing up, my mother would take so many photos you could practically lay them all out capturing my life in chronological order. The memories she captured have allowed me to share my childhood with my own children. Her passion and dedication were passed on to me and for the past 20 plus years I have been able to continue this tradition of preserving every moment for my family and children, keeping our history alive for future generations.

I see beauty in people, places, milestones, and everyday moments. It brings me incredible satisfaction when I take these photographs, freezing time, and preserving memories forever. Photography has always intrigued and fascinated me. Now that I have retired from the Armed Forces, I’m finally able to fulfill my passion as a professional photographer.

I have been taking photos professionally since 2020 and every year I’ve embraced new challenges and opportunities to hone my skills and grow. I like to explore every facet of photography, and not narrow my focus to one specific style or genre. When I look through my lens, I bring the same attention to detail and drive no matter the type of photography I’m shooting. The world is full of exciting and beautiful people and places, and my passion is to help you capture anything I can to enable you to create an everlasting moment, no matter what that might be. Scribs Studio’s mission is to help your vision become reality and allow your memories to last for lifetimes to come.